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Bitter Sweet Ginger Ale

Look at me.

So gorgeous, so lusciuos so delicious.

But can you believe that I’m not all sweet neither am I all bitter.

That’s the truth about our lives. No one is inherently bad and no one is inherently good. We are all a bunch of contradictions. We judge people for liking sex on the beach but we like to get it on best in the back seat of a car. Are these things bad? dont ask me I havent eaten yet and my brain gets fuzzy when I’m hungry.

We cant stand people who dont speak fluent English but we cannot even speak their native language even if our life depended on it.

Just like a rose with its many thorns is still beautiful, so am I. So are you.

Lets all learn to not see each other as simply good people or bad people. We should rather see ourselves as people. People who are capable of good and bad, truth and lies, being faithful and cheating, loving and hating, fighting and uniting. People who are capable of hurting others and loving others, hurting ourselves and loving ourselves.

Lets see each other, even one another, our friends our parents our siblings and everyone in our path as people who also deserve the benefit of the doubt that we so generously give ourselves when we have done those things we would rather not speak about to anyone else,

I hope we can learn to do that.

Here’s also a picture of my face as promised in my previous post


Chidimma ❤️

bad girls bad boys, inspiration, literature

He Loves Bad Girls (2)

Writing this post, I had to do my own research so you can do the same. If you missed the first part, you can find it here.

Now sometimes you need to read certain things that make you realise your life is not as bad as you think and whatever condition you are in is not a YOU condition but a HUMAN condition.

The very first bad girl who is also a great, great great-you get the drift- grandmother of Jesus is Tamar.

Tamar the one who acted like a prostitute and got pregnant? Yes that one Tamar. I’d summarise the story although you can find it in Genesis 38:6-30.

Tamar’s first husband dies, her second husband, his brother also dies so her father-in- law promises that when his last son is old enough, they would get married. He asks that she move back home which she does. Years later, this son is old enough but he still isn’t married to her so she decides to rescue herself. She takes off her widow’s clothes and dresses as a prostitute. Judah her father-in-law comes across her at a junction,thinking she is a prostitute, he sleeps with her. As payment she asks for his staff and seal. Three months after, her people accuse her and Judah commands that she be stoned to death. She sends word to him that the owner of the seal and staff is the father of the child she is carrying. He recognises his seal and staff. He then realises that he has made a huge mistake because he had been dishonest with her, he had deceived her..

Now everyone around Tamar had so much to say about her without even knowing what she had been through. She must have felt she was bad luck, a tragedy or a disappointment when both husbands died shortly after they were married and left her with no child but you see, God’s plans are way bigger than your mistakes and you should be grateful for that. 

After all was said and done, she had a son who had a son that had his own son and somehow one of these sons is the saviour of the world and the Son of God.

Sometime we reduce God to the size of our mistakes- sexual or otherwise but he is way bigger than that. 

Now that this is out there, I hope you can learn one important thing: You’re important to God regardless of what you have done.

(The other bad girls I came across are Rahab the harlot and Bathsheba. A bible and google will help you. Happy researching.)

Until next time, stay strong,Unapologetic  and never let the artist in you die.

Love, Chidimma Akubue ❤

bad girls bad boys, inspiration, literature, musings

HE loves Bad Girls (Part 1)

The best protection any woman can have is courage- Elizabeth Cady Stanton

How often do you feel guilty about bad things you’ve done? I bet you feel unworthy of love and affection or anyone’s attention because of mistakes you’ve made in your lifetime. I just thought you should know this…

When God wants to do something for you, it does not depend on your worthiness but on his faithfulness. 

Read that twice.

I am not a preacher or the daughter of a preacher but this is me encouraging someone somewhere and inspiring someone who might be in knots, confused and feeling less than.

I also know I mentioned I’d continue the short story but I felt a strong need to share this message before I continue with the short story. (What short story? Last Christmas duh! Please check it out if you missed it)

I didn’t know how deep God’s love was for me till I attended the harvest retreat I mentioned on Instagram. You realise that you’re afraid to ask for something from God because you feel your sin is too big to be forgiven or your prayers are too big to be answered but that’s a lie from the darkest part of Hades

Let me tell you one shocking thing I learned at this retreat. Did you know that God is the kind of God that the dignity of everyone in his sight cannot be affected by what others say about us or how they see us? 

Did you also know that God punishes those who go about announcing the sins of others? I mean can you imagine the depth of His love for you that He will take his time to punish those who raise their voice in judgement against you? 

Now I’m not saying if you’re a good girl turn bad so Jesus loves you more . I’m saying if you’re already a bad girl or boy or man or woman, He doesn’t love you any less. 

Drinking girl, smoking boy by Albert Roosenboom

In fact he loves you even more because he said and I paraphrase :Of what use is a physician to the healthy? 

Only ill people would need a doctor so Jesus did not come for the holy ,perfect and blameless people. He came for those of us who just never do it right. Those of us who make silly mistakes. Those who have fallen so hard by the wayside that recovery seems like a mirage.Those who are flawed.

He’s faithful and He is here for you. Trust Him and He will direct your path. 

Please stay tuned for the second part of this Lesson I learned at the retreat. I’d be talking about the many bad girls of the bible and you will not believe who the great Grand mother of Jesus was. That’s right! She was a Bad Girl too.

The strongest battles you will ever fight are on your knees and not by your strength. 

Have a lovely week ahead of you.

 Love, Chidimma Akubue ❤